As I said in my last newsletter, sign up for table tennis is a “work in progress.” Terry Minvielle and I met with Decatur Active Living’s Lee Williams. We discussed how things were going with table tennis sign up. Here’s what was decided:
1. People must not sign up for both time slots on the same day. People in the first time slot will be asked to leave, but will have a chance to return if the second time slot is not filled.
2. People should do all possible to cancel their sign up if they can’t attend. If using the Sign Up Genius app, cancelling is easy…find your name and hit “Delete”. If on a computer, look for your confirmation email and select “Edit My Sign Up”.
3. People who do not show up for the first 30 minutes of their time slot will be considered a “No-Show”. This will allow anyone standing by a chance to play.
Please cooperate with the Decatur staff so that we all have a chance to play the sport we love.